Best Wedding Anniversary Gift for a Pro Skydiver – A Pink WindTunnel

With too many options on the list and too many memories together, it can be a bit challenging choosing the perfect wedding anniversary gift – and even harder as the year goes by.
Of course, your partner deserves the best, but what would you describe as the perfect gift?
I guess that is what Steve Braff, [Co-Founder of the first windtunnel in Belgium and loving husband to one of finest female skydivers – Magali Folkner Braff], thought as he pulled off the best surprise and the best wedding anniversary gift yet – A pink wind tunnel!
Steve and Magali tied the knot in a crazy air wedding 8 years ago, 28 June 2011 to be precise. So, he has spent 8 beautiful years with his perfect soulmate. It isn’t much of a shocker that he decided to think outside the box for this year’s anniversary. Man, there is only so many flowers a woman can receive.
Magali is widely known for her love for air sports, especially skydiving. And if there is anything Magali loves more than exploring the air – literally, it is the color pink and black. If you asked Magali to organize a party, choose a product or decide her nail-polish, rest assured pink is most-likely the theme.
Knowing how much love his wife has got for the color pink and skydiving, Steve teamed up with their international contractor VL-TRAC to create a pink wind tunnel.
How would he conceal such a huge surprise [and I mean that both figuratively and literally] since they both work together they are currently working together on a brand new wind tunnel in Luxembourg dubbed LUXFLY. This is just one of their many exhilarating experiences and projects they have shared. Project LUXFLY is aimed at creating a cozy indoor airspace where air sports lovers can fly safely.
Okay, keeping it a surprise despite working on the same project with his wife should be the hardest step in the plan.
Thanks to VL-TRAC, Steve was able to choose a quality product in his wife’s favorite color.

Uncovering the Mystery
Magali was mystified when they received the first supply. She saw the color pink and immediately called the supplier that they must have had their wires crossed. Of course, the color pink was never in the plan. Unbeknownst to her, it was the plan all along! The reply from the contractor came as a resounding shock – Your husband is making a pink wind tunnel for you! The order was originally placed in color RAL4003 and that is what we delivered. Magali was thrown into wild joy. It wasn’t just a gift. It is special for so many reasons. For starters, it is from her husband. Secondly, it is her wedding anniversary gift. And even more importantly, it is something different from the norm. Something incredible. She would never guess this, The gift was perfect!
Expressing the overwhelming excitement over the gift, Magali explained that she is overjoyed because she isreceiving a different gift.
And that in itself is a beautiful thing as “what makes you different makes you powerful.”

A Pink Building for Real?
I wish that is possible. But we all know that the City Council of Arlon will never approve of a pink building. So, yeah, it isn’t going to be a pink building.
Steve and Magali plan on covering the building with elegant concrete panels. As fate would have it, the contractor’s marketing color is lemon green and that pairs perfectly with pink. Such magic! The 30m high tower will finish as a magnificent monolithic building designed with a big beautiful window looking over the city of Sterpenich. However, the metal frame would still retain the color pink. I trust that it will be visible from inside in the technical part. Such beauty! I have no doubt that the eye-catching building will draw the attention of many who ply the highway Brussels – Luxembourg.
In fact, it is almost impossible to miss the building as you cruise through the highway. You could even spot it from the other side of Belgium. It is just magnificent!

Follow the construction on Facebook : @luxflyskydive or
Project POWERED BY STARFLY.WORLD & in collaboration with IDELUX.