Meet Steve Braff, Founder of LUXFLY SKYDIVE and CEO of STARFLY

Sports, as a form of entertainment, have its names engraved in the heart of many today – both old and young. And Steve is one of many out there who takes Sports to heart.
What Makes Steve Stand Out From the Crowd?
Born in the beautiful city of Antwerp, Steve grew up loving sports just like any other sports lover out there. However, what really sets him apart is not just his choice of sport, but also taking it to a professional level.
Steve has always had a space for flying sports in his heart and he made well of that love by becoming one of the best Skydiving experts in Belgium, and going all out to teach other lovers of flying sports.
From his early days, Steve has always known he wanted to be a skydiver and he worked tirelessly to bring that dream to fruition.
Today, Steve is not just any skydiver, but one of the bosses in the Industry and also the founder of the only consulting company for indoor skydive in the world.
The skydiving icon started off his career at Cobra Diamonds, where he served as a partner. Taking things up a notch, Steve joined the Logistic and Marketing department of Lavazza Service plus in Belgium. From where he kicked off his skydiving career in full force by establishing Project Indoor Skydiving Zero Gravity SPA in Belgium.
While getting off with a good start, the multi-talented skydiver extended his marketing prowess to the real estate industry, where he worked with Agency Blue Real Estate as a Partner, and later moved to Exclusive Import GoPro Belgium.
A couple of years later, Steve decided to invest his entire energy and skills into flying sports. His expert skills combined with his relentless commitment pushed him to the top of the ladder when he founded the first windtunnel in Belgium. Thanks to his commitment and extraordinary skills, this windtunnel found its feet in the industry pretty quick and it has been a rock-solid force since its inception.
In addition to establishing such a sophisticated company, the legendary skydiver is also lauded for his role in Mr. Mc Fly project. Okay, no. it has no bearing to the popular England band, however, it is just as awesome.
The Mr. Mc Fly project is just one of many examples that clearly depict how Steve puts his heart and soul into his flight projects. A true icon, indeed! It is no wonder his career is lined with several prestigious awards.
Giving Back to the Global Air Sports Community
Adding to his endless list of exceptional achievements, Steve, together with his wife Magali Folkner Braff, organized two different international competitions dubbed CHARLEWARS I and CHARLEWARS II. This was a means to bring bright minds together and give back to the global air sports community too.
Social Life
Anyone who knows Steve can say unabashedly that he is indeed an iconic sportsman. Besides his passion and professional field, Steve finds the time to play in other sports speedriding, soaring, skateboarding,…
Steve has bagged several awards even at sports outside of his professional field.
As a true hero and coach committed to touching lives across the globe, Steve boasts a wealth of knowledge of several languages including his mother tongue, French, and others like Italian, Hebrew, English, and French. Steve is an all-rounder!
You wouldn’t be wrong if you said this is exactly what Steve wanted. He is popularly known for its common phrase ‘You Only Live Once (YOLO),’ and like the phrase, Steve has done all humanly possible to keep pushing himself toward actualizing his dreams.
Call him crazy, but he is living his best life. Thankfully, he tied the knot with a partner who isn’t just a partner in the four walls of his matrimonial home but also in his profession. It wasn’t much of a shocker when they both decided to have their wedding in the sky – literally. It was crazy, but so are they. They are crazy about their passion and they spend every sec doing it. Remember you only live once. So, live it!
“One life, live it”
Steve Braff